Priority Assistance Service

To ensure the customers who most need it have access to online delivery services at this time, we are providing our delivery service for these customers.

Eligibility for our Priority Assistance service is based on the government’s guidelines around those who are most at risk:

  • People over 70 years of age.
  • People with chronic illnesses including respiratory conditions, heart conditions, high blood pressure, kidney problems and diabetes. This also includes people undergoing treatment for cancer and blood conditions that make them more vulnerable to COVID-19.
  • People who are in self-isolation after returning from travel or coming into contact with someone confirmed to have COVID-19.
  • We also know that a number of our customers have disabilities that make it difficult to shop in our stores. These customers will also be eligible for our Priority Assistance Service.

Please help us to help those most in need by only applying if you have no other way of getting your groceries. We encourage any customers who can shop in our stores to do so. We’re open right through the lockdown.

How to access Priority Assistance

  1. Click here to create a customer account
  2. Only after you've logged into your new acount, send us a message to let us know you're eligible for Priority Assistance, so we can provide you with our priority service.
  3. Our team will call or email you once the service is then available, but feel free to start adding to your online cart in the interim.

Please note, we will try our best to assist as many Priority Assistance customers as possible, however, we do apologise if the delivery time you prefer is unavailable due to demand.

  1. When you've added something, it will appear here. To see everything in your trolley, use the Review Order & Checkout button.

    Item Cost
  2. Choose Delivery or Pickup
  3. Add Coupon